Dismantling and disposal of the stalls will be carried out by Brno Communications as the administrator of the underpass. Credit: Casadei Graphics.

Five Disputed Stalls In Underpass At Brno Train Station Handed Over To The City

Last week, in accordance with a February ruling by the Brno Regional Court, representatives of Pliska Interactive Services Consulting handed over ownership of five stalls in the underpass under the main station to the city.

“The key was the judgement of the regional court, which at the end of February definitively decided that the stands are an integral part of the underpass and therefore belong to the city of Brno,” said Brno city councillor for ​​property, Jiří Oliva. “I am glad that Pliska Interactive Services Consulting complied with the judgement voluntarily and the city won’t be forced to enforce it.”

Dismantling and disposal of the stalls will be carried out by Brno Communications as the administrator of the underpass, under the instructions of the City of Brno Department of Transport. There is also still a court proceeding in progress to decide on the payment of the lost rent. Pliska Interactive Services Consulting has not properly paid the city since 2014.

“The city is conducting similar disputes about the clearance of stalls with the final two companies,” added Oliva. “These were previously interrupted because they were waiting for the court’s decision in the Pliska case. It is good that the city has now legally confirmed that the stands in the underpass are part of it, and therefore the property of the city. One of the companies with which the city is conducting these disputes, Korekt Real, s.r.o., has now informed us that it is willing to voluntarily clear out the stalls it is using, which we certainly welcome.”

The first stage of the reconstruction of the underpass under the main station was originally planned for 2023. Due to excessive costs, the city is now working on changing the project documentation to make the work cheaper, and it is now set to start in 2024.