The new vending machine, which sells limited-edition pieces of art from Czech artists, marks the third instalment of an Artmat in Prague. Credit:

New Artmat Vending Machine Installed in Holešovice, Prague

On Friday July 20th, the newest Artmat machine was installed in Holešovice, Prague. Instead of selling cigarettes or snacks, the vending machines feature a curated selection of miniature-sized, limited-edition works of art by Czech artists.

A box from the Artmats costs between 50 and 100 Kč. The project was started by two female curators, Josefina Frýbová and Petra Widžová, who select limited editions of art to sell in the machines. If the format of the works allows it, the works are also signed and numbered by the artists. Thanks to this, the pieces can potentially grow in value, and can be used to start or expand an art collection.

Artmats are also installed in Brno, Humpolec, Plzeň and in other cities around the world, including Paris and Tbilisi. There will be more vending machines in the near future, according to the official Artmat website.

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