The hall, which was built according to the design of Bohuslav Fuchs and Josef Polášek between 1925 and 1926, is one of Brno’s architectural gems. Credit: Z. Kolařík / Brno City Municipality.

Ceremonial Hall at Brno’s Central Cemetery Reopens After Reconstruction

After more than a year of reconstruction, the Great Ceremonial Hall at Brno’s Central Cemetery (Ústřední hřbitov) will return to operation. It was ceremonially reopened on 4 September, in the presence of the city management and the City of Brno Cemetery Administration.

The hall, which was built according to the design of Bohuslav Fuchs and Josef Polášek between 1925 and 1926, is one of Brno’s architectural gems. Its reconstruction began in May last year, and work was completed within 14 months. The whole project was supervised by architectural conservationists, and cost a total of CZK 66.3 million, covered entirely by the City of Brno.

The ceremony hall is now the first in the Czech Republic to be equipped with a robotic catafalque, which, according to historical photos, is identical to its original form. “There are now new electricity, gas, data and security connections throughout the building,” said deputy mayor Jaroslav Suchý (KDU-CSL). “The exterior of the building was cleaned, and the doors and lighting were overhauled. The latest innovation is a data projector for projecting photos or films.” 

The reconstruction also partially affected the small ceremonial hall, where lighting and air conditioning were modified.

“This year we commemorate 140 years since the establishment of the Central Cemetery in Brno,” said Alena Říhová, director of the City of Brno Cemetery Administration. “This includes several interesting events that we are organising in cooperation with the Brno City Museum. For example, on guided walks through the cemetery, participants will get to know not only the history of the cemetery itself, but also the history of the city of Brno, the ways of establishing city cemeteries and burial methods.” 

The outdoor exhibition is located near the entrance to the cemetery from Vídeňská until 30 September, introducing the history and development of the most important burial site in Brno. It will be open during the opening hours of the cemetery, between 7 am and 7 pm.

Several guided tours are planned, of the newly renovated hall (on 12 September, 11 October, and 24 October), and of the whole Central Cemetery (on 4 October and 5 November). All tours start at 4 pm, cost CZK 100, and will be in Czech. However, the capacity of the tours is limited to 30 people, so registration is necessary via e-mail to

The highlight of the year-long program will be a concert on the anniversary of the foundation of the cemetery, which will take place in the ceremonial hall on 2 November.

More detailed information about upcoming events will be published on the City of Brno Cemetery Administration’s website.You can watch a video of the reconstructed ceremonial hall here.

Ceremonial Hall at Brno’s Central Cemetery Reopens After Reconstruction
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