Alena Zsuzsova to 25 years in prison for mediating the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak, in which his girlfriend Martina Kušnírová was also killed. Credit: Freepik.

Zsuzsova Sentenced To 25 Years For Ordering Journalist Kuciak’s Murder; Kocner Acquitted

A Slovak Special Criminal Court sentenced Alena Zsuzsova to 25 years in prison for mediating the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak, in which his girlfriend Martina Kušnírová was also killed, the court’s panel chairwoman Ruzena Sabova said today.

The Special Criminal Court acquitted Zsuzsova of the same charges in September 2020, but the Supreme Court annulled the verdict in 2021. The verdict of the new trial has not taken effect yet.

The court panel also found Zsuzsova guilty of involvement in the preparation of the planned murder of former elite prosecutor Maros Zilinka, Sabova said. The new punishment also includes Zsuzsova’s previous sentence for involvement in another murder, for which she received 21 years in prison.

Meanwhile, the court again acquitted co-defendant Marian Kocner of ordering the murder of Kuciak, as well as former prosecutors Zilinka and Peter Sufliarsky and lawyer Daniel Lipsic. The latter three murders were not carried out. Zilinka is now prosecutor general and Lipsic heads the Special Prosecution Office.