A ban on starting fires in places of increased fire risk has been issued for the city of Prague, effective from midday today. Credit: Freepik.

Prague City Council Issues Ban On Open Fires, Effective From Today

In response to a fire danger warning issued today by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, a ban on starting fires in places of increased fire risk has been issued for the city of Prague, effective from midday today until further notice.

According to the regulation, the following are considered to be places of increased risk of fire:

  • forest cover and its surroundings, up to a distance of 50 metres from its edge.
  • forest parks, parks, gardens and other areas with vegetation enabling the occurrence and spread of fire.
  • hay, straw warehouses and their surroundings, up to a distance of 50 metres.
  • areas with ​​agricultural crops which are capable of igniting and spreading fire.

According to the regulation, the following activities are prohibited in these places during times of increased risk:

  • starting or maintaining an open fire (for example burning twigs and bark, or flammable substances in the open).
  • smoking (except electronic cigarettes).
  • use of pyrotechnic products.
  • using other sources of fire, for example flying wishes, lanterns, or torches.
  • throwing burning or smouldering objects.
  • consumption of water intended for extinguishing fires for other purposes.
Prague City Council Issues Ban On Open Fires, Effective From Today
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