The new tram line, including the loop, is fully compliant with the spatial plan. Credit: ZM / BD.

City of Prague and Prague Transport Company Agree To Exchange of Unused Land

The Prague municipal transport company (DPP) and the city council have reached an agreement on the exchange of property for mutual benefit. Yesterday, Prague city council approved the exchange of 359 plots of land between the two parties. DPP will get rid of land that it is not using in any way, and at the same time will acquire the tram line from Braník to Modřany, which was previously owned by the city.

The transport company owns 359 plots of land with a total value of CZK 724.89 million in various locations in the capital, which it describes as surplus. By transferring them to the city, the company will take over the tram line leading from Braník to Modřany, which is worth over CZK 741.96 million. The transport company will reimburse the capital city the difference of approximately CZK 17 million. 

“With the exchange approved, we resolved the long-term reservations of the auditors of DPP and the city, who blamed us for the mutual use of land. I’m glad that we have brought several years of negotiations between Prague and DPP to an end,” said Prague councillor for property, Adam Zábranský.

“After the already approved exchanges of real estate between the state and the city, this transaction with the transport company is also advantageous for Prague. The capital city will find a better use for these plots of land for the benefit of the residents,” said Prague’s Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda.

In the past, public roads and other structures were built on the plots of land in question. A number of these properties are listed in the real estate registry as green space, barren land, sports fields, recreation areas, common yards, or “other”. In cases where public roads have not been built on the land, the land can be designated as public space for possible future development. For DPP, this is surplus property, which by its nature cannot be used for transport purposes. However, these are strategic plots of land for the city.

“The transport company acquired important land under the tram line from Braník to Modřany and thus completed the first part of the long-discussed land exchange with the city,” said Zdeněk Hřib, First Deputy Mayor for Transport. “I see exchanges as ensuring security of property ownership for both parties. They will acquire a two-way tram line, including buildings, starting from the switch at Braník station. The line continues south along Modřanská and Generála Šišky until it turns at the intersection with Komořanská behind the Estakády building on T6 at the Čechova čtvrť stop, with a total length of 3.6 kilometres.” 

“Resolving ownership issues between the capital city and its 100% owned company, Transport Enterprise, is a sensible step that has been a long time in the making. It will be beneficial both for the city and for DPP, and will make everyone’s work easier,” added Zdeněk Kovářík, Prague city councillor for finance.

City of Prague and Prague Transport Company Agree To Exchange of Unused Land
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