The production is based on a script by the young Ukrainian author Anastasia Kosodia and reflects the impact of the war on the lives of ordinary people. Credit: Jakub Hrab / Divadlo Archa.

Brno’s HaDivadlo Hosts English-Friendly Production Reflecting Impact of Ukrainian War

On Thursday, 8 June, HaDivadlo will host a performance entitled “Eight short compositions from the life of Ukrainians for a Western audience”, a unique international project created by the Archa Theater in Prague in cooperation with the Jam Factory centre in Lviv, as part of the international project “Artists in War”. 

This production is based on a script by the young Ukrainian author Anastasia Kosodia and reflects the impact of the war on the lives of ordinary people. Five female performers, each from a different European country, will gather on stage to express their stance on the news from war-torn Ukraine. Kosodia’s script provides a strong emotional statement, which has a post-dramatic form while at the same time originating in the Ukrainian cultural tradition. Director Jana Svobodová chose a very modest staging format so that the stories could be perceived independently. After the premiere at the Akcent festival in the Archa Theatre, the audience in the auditorium remained silent for many minutes.

The text will be projected in Czech and English, to make the performance accessible for foreign audiences.  

The performance will take place on Thursday, 8 June at 7:30 pm in HaDivadlo, in Brno’s Alfa Passage. The regular ticket price is CZK 420. For students, pensioners and people with disabilities, a ticket costs CZK 320.

More information can be found here, and tickets are available from

Brno’s HaDivadlo Hosts English-Friendly Production Reflecting Impact of Ukrainian War
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