Pavel won the January presidential election and was officially sworn in on 9 March. Credit:

Trust in Czech Presidency Rises After Pavel Takes Office, Says Poll

Public trust in the Czech president has risen significantly since Petr Pavel took office in March, according to a CVVM poll conducted between March and May. In contrast to the last years of his predecessor Milos Zeman’s presidency, the head of state is now again trusted by a majority of Czechs. 

Before Zeman left office, less than 40% of Czechs trusted the president, but since Pavel assumed the post, the share of those who trust the president has risen to almost 60%.

Milos Zeman was the president of the Czech Republic for two five-year terms from 2013-2023. During his second presidential term, the share of people trusting the head of state was consistently below 50%. By mid-2022, trust in the president had declined to below 30%.

Despite recovering slightly before Zeman left office, the president’s trust ratings only reached a maximum of 38% by the end of last year.

Pavel won the January presidential election and was officially sworn in on 9 March. Immediately afterwards, trust in the head of state rose to 58%.

Trust in other constitutional institutions has not changed significantly compared to previous polls.

The government and the Chamber of Deputies are still trusted by 32% of respondents each. Trust in the Senate is only slightly higher, at 38%.

Mayors and municipal authorities consistently enjoy the highest public trust, of 67% and 66%, respectively. Regional governors are trusted by 45% of Czechs and regional assemblies by 48%.

Trust in the president, government and parliament is higher among people with higher incomes and education, and those who are more interested in politics.

On the contrary, trust in the president, government, the Chamber of Deputies, Senate and regional offices decreases with age.

Voters of the government parties are significantly more likely to trust the president and the parliament, as well as the government, while voters of the opposition ANO, Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) and the extra-parliamentary Communists (KSCM) are considerably more critical of the president, government and both houses of parliament.

The Public Opinion Research Center (CVVM) conducted the poll on a sample of 834 Czech residents aged over 15 from 27 March to 22 May.

Trust in constitutional institutions (%):

07/218-9/219-10/2111-12/213-5/225-7/229-11/2212/22 – 1/232-3/234-5/23
Chamber of Deputies29262830302628333332
Regional assemblies49484548474148554648
Municipal authorities63646061656163696566
Regional governors49454148444346534545

Source: CVVM

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