The City of Brno’s “Brno in Numbers” project collects data from multiple sources to present a complete picture of how the city is changing. Credit: KK / The Bohemian.

Municipal Data Project Invites Citizens To Explore Brno in Numbers

Every year, the Brno in Numbers project defines the city through statistics. The data captures everything from new residents in the city (1,330) to the number of sunny days (301).

The Brno in Numbers project, run by the City of Brno, collects data from multiple sources, including the Czech Statistical Office, sociological surveys and other public institutions.

In 2022, Brno saw the fewest divorces in modern history, at just 659. The data also reveals that Brno makes an attractive home for young families, with 4,048 children born in the city in 2022.

By analysing data from mobile operators, the project discovered that around 40,000 people pass through the city centre on every working day.

“Our goal is to contribute to the understanding of how and why the city works. In addition to traditional statistics, we try to bring something new every year. This year, the icing on the cake is a short encryption game that we prepared in cooperation with the Brno company Cryptomania. This code game, intended for the public, will not only entertain and allow you to exercise your brain, but it can also motivate you to explore data about the city more deeply,” said Filip Chvátal, Brno city councillor responsible for ​participatory budgeting.

The data reveals how global trends manifest at the local level in Brno. The impacts of climate change are clear to see, as the average temperature in 2022 reached 11.2 °C, 1.2 degrees higher than in 2021. 618 fires were dealt with in the city last year, a significant increase from 2021. But the data showed that firefighters are up to the task, attending reported fires in 405 seconds on average.

The city seems to have recovered from the economic slowdown of the Covid pandemic. 2022 brought a sharp increase in air traffic, though still below pre-pandemic levels. After several years of decline, the unemployment level has stabilised at 5.1%, similar to the 2020 level.

The Brno in Numbers project also explores areas such as education, transportation and resource usage. The data is summarised in colourful infographics, available to explore on the BiN website. Graphics will also appear on posters throughout the city, showcasing some of the findings.

The project represents an attempt to understand the complex ecosystem of the city through statistics. “Brno in Numbers represents one of the possible ways to get to know the city and its functioning better, and subsequently manage it well and develop it meaningfully,” concluded Chvátal.

Municipal Data Project Invites Citizens To Explore Brno in Numbers
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