Prague City Council has earmarked CZK 97 million for road safety improvements. Credit: Freepik.

City of Prague Increases Funding To Improve Traffic Safety

Prague councillors have approved an increase in funding to increase road safety, to more than CZK 97 million. More than 140 investments are planned, which include road improvements, reconstruction of intersections, speed bumps, lighting of pedestrian crossings and improvement of cycling infrastructure.

The funding is intended for separate investment projects within the so-called Actions for BESIP. This year, Prague City Council initially earmarked CZK 45 million in the budget for these purposes, plus transfers from last year to the amount of approximately CZK 12 million. The City has now increased these funds by another CZK 40 million, reaching a total of CZK 97 million to increase the safety of Prague’s streets.

For example, additional speed bumps or central curbs will be created at crossings, intersections will be modified and pedestrian crossings will be illuminated. The selection of locations is based on the requirements of the city districts, which were evaluated by the Department of Transport and the Prague Municipality, together with the BESIP group.

“Accidents are not accidental,” said Zdeněk Hřib, First Deputy Mayor for Transport. “That is why we consider investments in security measures in Prague’s streets to be extremely important. We believe that in the end it will pay off and we will reduce the number of traffic accidents, especially those with fatal consequences. More than 140 events will be held this year in city districts across the entire city.” 

The implementation of construction actions is the responsibility of the Prague Technical Communications Administration. There are over 140 investment projects on the list; among the larger ones are the reconstruction of Koněvova street, the reconstruction of Na Florenci street, the reconstruction of Bubenské nábřeží, the first stage of the revitalization of Karlova náměstí, the revitalization of Vítězné náměstí, the pedestrian path along the Zlíchova railway line, the revitalization of Elsnicovo náměstí, the railway promenade, and partial measures as part of the reconstruction of the Barrandovský, Libeňský and Hlávkův bridges. Accompanying traffic measures are also being prepared, for example, at the road in Holešovičky and at the Vychovatelna ramp.

“There is no doubt that this is a good and beneficial step that the residents of Prague will notice, increasing road safety in many places. There are things that are not worth skimping on, and traffic safety is one of those areas. We want a city that is safe for everyone – for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians,” said Prague Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda.

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