Bezobalu, which sells packaging-free goods including organic food and eco-friendly cosmetics, will close all but one of its stores due to financial pressures over the past three years. Credit: Bezobalu

Prague-based zero-waste chain Bezobalu closes most of their stores

The Prague chain of packaging-free food and drug stores Bezobalu is closing most of their stores. According to representatives of the non-profit organisation, of the three existing stores, only the Prague 6 store may remain open. They justified the decision to cease operations due to the difficult financial situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We’re done, we’re saying goodbye. We are terribly sorry, but in the coming weeks we will gradually sell out of goods and close our stores and our non-profit organisation with educational activities. We have been dealing with the difficult financial situation diligently for the past three years, and now the time has come to admit that we have to give up. I ran out of strength, energy and money,” mentioned representatives of Bezobalu in a post on their Facebook account.

“We wanted to change the food market for the better and be a good alternative for everyone who embarked on the path to a sustainable life. We were doing well before the pandemic, but we have never fully recovered from the events of the last three years.”

Bezobalu is looking for ways to keep their oldest branch open after most of the business closes. To let them know your opinion on how to save the Hradčanská store, fill in this short survey.

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