The doctors will focus mainly on complicated war injuries. Photo: Ukrainian Medevac patients arriving in Prague in 2015. Credit:

Brno Doctors Travel To Lviv To Operate On Two Dozen Patients With Severe Burns

Two dozen patients in Lviv will be operated on by three surgeons and an anesthesiologist from Brno University Hospital (FN Brno) this week, as part of the first medical mission of the Czech Interior Ministry’s Medevac program in Ukraine, the Ministry’s spokeswoman Klara Dlubalova told journalists yesterday.

“This is an operational mission in the specialist field of burns and plastic surgery,” Dlubalova said. “Today, the doctors started operating on the first of the patients. They will focus mainly on complicated injuries caused by the war in Ukraine. It will allow patients to return to a more dignified life.” 

While this is the first time doctors have travelled to Ukraine with the Medevac program, it is not the first time the embattled country has benefited from this long-term humanitarian aid tool. In collaboration with the University Hospital of Kralovske Vinohrady in Prague and the Czech Red Cross, Medevac was involved in targeted assistance to Ukrainian burn centres shortly after the conflict broke out.

“Thanks to this, we supplied Ukraine with special medical supplies worth CZK 2 million,” Dlubalova added. “In cooperation with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence, we transported a critically burned girl to the Czech Republic in March 2022. Doctors managed to save her, and the little girl returned home a few months later, healed and in a good physical condition.” 

The Medevac Health and Humanitarian Program and the Aid in Place program offer assistance to countries with large refugee populations and countries facing significant migration pressures. The budget for the two programs for assistance to Ukraine totals CZK 120 million for this year.


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