The meadow is a very popular springtime attraction for Brno residents, due to the blooming purple koniklece flowers. Credit:

Educational Trail To Be Created Around Much-Loved Koniklece Meadow In Kamenný Vrch

A new educational trail will be created in Kamenný vrch in Brno-Nový Lískovec, leading visitors through the “Koniklece Meadow”, a very popular springtime attraction for Brno residents due to the blooming purple koniklece flowers (known in English as “Pasque flowers”). The project, chosen by the people of Brno via the participatory budgeting scheme in 2021, includes a new wooden walkway, as well as benches and information signs. The construction will be completed next year by the City of Brno’s Green Spaces company, as approved by city councillors at their meeting last week.

“In order to regulate the number of visitors to the Kamenný vrch nature reserve, a wooden walkway will be laid in place of the existing beaten path. Its width will be in the range of 120-150 centimetres,” said Filip Chvátal, Brno city councillor for participation.

The path will also include at least three places with jetties that will overlook areas with koniklece. There will also be several benches and special photo booths along the route, from which visitors will be able to take pictures near the flowers. There will be at least five information boards.

The koniklece footpath will be built by the City of Brno’s Green Spaces company. The walkway will be completed in the first phase, to be completed by 1 March 2024, including the boarding and exiting ramps. The benches and information signs will be ready by 31 December 2024.

The project documentation was prepared by Happy Landscape, s.r.o. The total price of the construction is CZK 3,460,850.

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