The incident on 10 June sparked protests in Brno. Credit: Freepik.

Foreign National Suspected of June Murder To Be Released From Custody

A foreign national suspected of a murder at the Brno Dam in June will be released from custody, the news server reported yesterday, following a decision by the Brno Regional Court on Thursday. 

The information was confirmed to CTK by Hynek Olma, the spokesman for the regional prosecutor’s office. According to the indictment, the 37-year-old foreign national attacked and injured two people with a knife near a tram station. Both ended up in hospital, and one of them later died.

“All I can say is that the court made a ruling in closed session and the man was released from custody,” Olma said.

According to Denik, the Brno municipal court had already decided on the release from custody in late July. The state prosecutor filed a complaint against the decision, but the regional court upheld the municipal court’s decision.

Detention was replaced by supervision by a probation officer and a written promise by the accused not to commit criminal activity, to appear before the court, the prosecutor or the police when summoned, and to announce always in advance that he is about to leave the place of his residence, the newspaper reported.

“The reasons for the detention continue to exist, but they have been mitigated by replacing the detention with these guarantees,” said Petra Lanickova, a spokesperson for the Brno municipal court, quoted by Denik. The man remains charged with murder.

The incident on 10 June sparked protests in Brno. According to unconfirmed information, the victim was a young Roma man and his attacker was a Ukrainian. Soon after the young man’s death, negative sentiment towards Ukrainians began to spread among parts of the Roma community.

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