The Czech Republic has been a part of the event since 2018, thanks to Ukliďme Česko. Credit: Ukliďme Česko.

World Cleanup Day Again Invites Volunteers To Help Beautify Their Local Area

World Cleanup Day is the largest global volunteer event, uniting volunteers from more than 190 countries for one day of solidarity with nature and the environment. Tens of millions of volunteers will clean up trash from seas, beaches, forests, and their surroundings on 16 September.

The Czech Republic has been a part of this event since 2018, thanks to the association Ukliďme Česko (‘Let’s Clean Up the Czech Republic’). This event received significant recognition this July, when World Cleanup Day won the UN prize for mobilising the public and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In the Czech Republic, hundreds of clean-ups are planned for this autumn, in which volunteers can participate. Most of them will take place directly on World Cleanup Day, Saturday, 16 September. Anyone wishing to join in can simply choose a convenient clean-up event and register online. An interactive map of all participating events is available here.

This year’s 10th annual Ukliďme Česko event attracted a record number of volunteers, among whom was the symbolic millionth participant. “The interest in volunteer cleaning was unprecedented this spring, which caused the demanding logistics of the entire event. We distributed 130,000 garbage bags and 160,000 pairs of gloves that we had prepared for volunteers. Nevertheless, thanks to our partners, we are ready to support the planned autumn cleaning with bags and gloves”, said Miroslav Kubásek from the Ukliďme Česko.

Volunteers will receive prizes for their best photos

Hand in hand with cleaning up the mess, there will also be a traditional photo competition this autumn, with categories including ‘Youth’, ‘Report’, ‘Video’, and ‘Curiosity’. Those taking the most successful cleaning photos can look forward to valuable prizes from HP, the partner of the autumn photo competition. The winner of the public vote will receive an iPhone XR from Swappie. Hundreds of photos were submitted following the spring round of cleanings, and the public can view the most interesting ones from the autumn events during October on the Ukliďme Česko website and social accounts.

World Cleanup Day Again Invites Volunteers To Help Beautify Their Local Area
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