The new ordinance defines what is meant by plant material and how to deal with it. Credit: Freepik.

Prague City Councillors Approve New Measures To Improve Air Quality In The City

The air quality in Prague has improved over the past few years, but remains worse than required, especially due to transport and local heating plants. The burning of plant material on open fires is another contributing factor in the deterioration of air quality. Therefore, on 14 September, city representatives approved a decree limiting the disposal of dry plant material using open fires. The new regulation will apply from October this year.

The new ordinance defines what is meant by plant material and how to deal with it. It will continue to be possible to burn dry wood and pine cones if carried out as a leisure activity, such as preparing food on a fire or grill, with the exception of periods of heavy smog.

“I believe that the new decree will be welcomed by the city districts and they will find ways and means to convey information to citizens about what is permitted to burn on open fires and when,” said Prague city councillor for the environment and climate, Jana Komrsková. “The decree certainly does not cover sitting at public barbecues or fires, but it will not be allowed to burn plant materials other than wood and pine cones. Leaves must be disposed of in the other available ways. Citizens can simply apply for a brown bin for bio-waste, free of charge, to be collected by the city, or it is possible to use the existing system of collection yards.” 

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