The date of 17 November has been very significant twice in Czech history. Credit: KK/BD.

One in Five Czechs Satisfied With Political Situation, Says New Poll

Satisfaction with the political situation in the Czech Republic fell to 21% this September, down from about a third of the population in February and April, according to the results of a survey by Kantar CZ released yesterday by Czech Television.

The survey showed that over half of the population (53%) believes that their economic situation will not change next year, while one third of the population (35%) expects it to worsen. This is due to high inflation and the cost of living, including housing and energy costs.

Kantar analyst Nikola Kopacova said people aged under 44 and those with higher education expect an improvement in the economic situation, while seniors and the economically inactive are worried about a deterioration.

According to the survey, 34% had to significantly reduce their electricity and gas consumption because of the energy crisis, and a further 37% had to reduce it to some extent. 13% said they reduced their energy consumption initially and 16% did not reduce it at all. The restrictions affected the elderly and people from small towns and villages, Kopacova said.

Critics said the cost of heating could also rise because of a proposal by the Industry and Trade Ministry to cancel last year’s decision to spend CZK 17 billion on the modernization of heating plants, due to a lack of money in the budget. The cabinet is to decide on this proposal on Wednesday.

Deputy Prime Minister Ivan Bartos (Pirates) said the government has spent CZK 112 billion this year because of energy prices, and could use this money for the modernization fund next year.

The survey was carried out among some 1,200 respondents on 11-29 September.

One in Five Czechs Satisfied With Political Situation, Says New Poll
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