One condition for the funding is that Prague itself should be actually represented in the film. Credit: Freepik

Prague City Council Allocates CZK 5 Million To Support The City’s Film Industry

At Monday’s meeting, Prague city councillors approved funding to the Prague Audiovisual Foundation in the form of a CZK 5 million donation. 

This endowment fund supports the presentation of Prague through audiovisual productions, the sustainable development of the local audiovisual industry, and motivates Czech and foreign productions to fulfil the principles of Green Filming. One condition for eligibility for the funding is that Prague should be actually represented in the film, rather than just used as a location.

“I am convinced that such an investment is crucial for Prague and its presentation, and I believe that thanks to the donation which the Council approved today, we will support other high-quality audiovisual projects,” said Jiří Pospíšil, Deputy Mayor of Prague for Culture.

The Prague Audiovisual Foundation will distribute the endowment funds for feature films intended for foreign distribution in cinemas, as well as for projects and series formats broadcast on foreign television stations, or distributed via VOD and subscription-based streaming services.

The fund will now also, via special tenders, support student projects with the potential to participate in foreign festivals. In the past two years, the audiovisual industry was supported with CZK 9 million, which went, for example, to the films ‘Waves’ (‘Vlny’), which takes place in totalitarian Czechoslovakia during the turbulent years of 1967 and 1968, and ‘Prezidentka’, in which Aňa Geislerová appears in the main role of the Head of State.

Prague City Council Allocates CZK 5 Million To Support The City’s Film Industry
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