The law restricting sales on certain holidays in large stores has been in force since 2016, yet some customers are still unsure about opening hours before national holidays. Food stores are publishing information about their opening hours on social media and flyers. Credit:

Is Albert Open Tomorrow? Even Large Shops Stay Open For “Day of Freedom”

Tomorrow, November 17th, is a national holiday to mark the end of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia in 1989, and the subsequent restoration of democracy. 

However, unlike some other holidays, large stores such as hypermarkets and supermarkets will remain open. The Day of Freedom and Independence is often accompanied by street events and celebrations, especially tomorrow as it comes at the beginning of a long weekend.

According to the law, shops with a floor area over 200 m² must be closed on the following holidays:

  • January 1 – Day of the Restoration of the Independent Czech State and New Year
  • Easter Monday
  • May 8 – Victory Day
  • September 28 – Czech Statehood Day
  • October 28 – Day of the establishment of an independent Czechoslovak state
  • December 24 – Christmas Day, open only until 12 noon
  • December 25 – Christmas Day
  • December 26 – St. Stephen’s Day/Boxing Day
Is Albert Open Tomorrow? Even Large Shops Stay Open For “Day of Freedom”
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