MPs will meet again in mid-January, at the first regular session in 2024. Credit: Poslanecka Snemovna.

Czech Parliament Concludes Final Session of 2023; MPs Will Meet Again in January

The last session this year of the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the Czech parliament, ended shortly before 2pm today. MPs will meet again in mid-January, at the first regular session in 2024.

Civic Democrat (ODS) deputy group head Marek Benda proposed that the remaining items be removed from the session agenda, thus allowing the session to end, referring to the agreement of all deputy groups.

The deputies today did not discuss, for example, the annual reports on the activities and management of Czech Television, Czech Radio and CTK, or the report on the long-term sustainability of public finances.

Thus, only the Senate will be in session until the end of the year. On Thursday, it will approve, among others, a bill to modify the fees for early repayment of mortgage, and a bill facilitating the construction of deep radioactive waste repositories.

Today, the Chamber of Deputies approved three treaties on double taxation, with Sri Lanka, the United Arab Emirates and Rwanda, and a treaty to facilitate police cooperation with Vietnam. MPs also supported the first reading of an amendment to help recruit new foster parents.

Czech Parliament Concludes Final Session of 2023; MPs Will Meet Again in January
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