Credit: Olomouc, ZM for Brno Daily.

Young Man Dies After Setting Himself On Fire At Olomouc Train Station

A young man died this morning at Olomouc train station after self-immolating outside the building. Preliminary findings point to the cause of death being linked to the manipulation of fire; investigators are working on the basis that his death was an act of suicide. 

“From early this morning, we mourn the death of a young individual discovered on the platform of Olomouc’s train station,” said the Olomouc Police Department this morning. “The circumstances strongly suggest a case of suicide. We are currently investigating the details surrounding this tragic event. The probable cause of death appears to be self-immolation.” 

Further details of the case are still under investigation.

Young Man Dies After Setting Himself On Fire At Olomouc Train Station
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