New data showing the average age of parents in 2022 reveal that mothers were on average 31.5 years old while fathers were 34.6. Credit: Freepik.

New Parents in the South Moravia Region Are Between 30 and 35 Years Old, According to New Data From CZSO

Statistics on the age of parents in the South Moravia region show that parents are choosing to have children at an increasingly old age. In 2000, the average age a mother gave birth to her first child was 25, but by 2008 this age had risen to 28. Until now, the average age of first-time mothers in the region was around 29.9 years. Data from 2022 show an upwards trend, with mothers being on average 31.5 years old at the time of their first birth.

In 2022, 12,078 children were born in the South Moravian Region, of which 5,202 out of wedlock, i.e. to unmarried, divorced or widowed mothers. Compared to the previous year, the number of children born without a named father fell by 51 to 807, which is the lowest figure in recent years.

Interestingly, the average age of mothers also differed by marital status. Married mothers in 2022 were on average 32 years old at their first childbirth and 1.1 years older than single, divorced or widowed mothers.

The data show that the average age of first-time fathers in the Moravian region is also steadily increasing. In 2000, fathers were on average 29.9 years old at birth and 3 years older than the child’s mother. In 2022, the average age of fathers has increased by 4.7 years to 34.6.

The highest number of births during 2022 was in September (1,078 live births), with the second highest number in May (1,070 live births). The least favourable month in this respect was December, when 886 children were born in the region. In all months, boys made up the majority of births.

The data also reveal the educational attainment of parents. Among the parents who did provide this information (as it was not obligatory), 6.6% of mothers and 3.7% of fathers reported primary education. 30.7% of mothers and 35.3% of fathers reported secondary education, while university education was reported by 45.7% of mothers and 36.8% of fathers.

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