Famous iconic image of Prague city skyline with Prague Castle in Czech Republic

Prague To Host Trilateral Commission Conference This Weekend

From Friday to Sunday this weekend, Prague will host a conference of the Trilateral Commission, a discussion forum of mostly former senior politicians, diplomats, businessmen and journalists from North America, Asia and Europe, according to reports today from the Aktualne.cz news server.

Eva Hromadkova, from the Czech Presidential Office press department, said that President Petr Pavel accepted the invitation to the gala dinner on Saturday. Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) will send a video greeting.

The program is being prepared by the Trilateral Commission, and the meeting is organised by Public Picture & Marketing, a company from the PPF financial group. “The long-time head of the Czech group of the Trilateral Commission is Ladislav Bartonicek, until recently one of PPF’s shareholders. PPF is the general sponsor of the European meeting of the commission, which is being held in Prague this year,” PPF spokesperson Leos Rousek told Aktualne.cz.

The Trilateral Commission was established in 1973 and consists of about 400 people. The meetings are closed and without media access, which allows for more open discussions, Aktualne.cz reports. The exact program and guest list are not publicly available either.

Other Czech participants will be Deputy Foreign Minister Eduard Hulicius (KDU-CSL), former president of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Trade Minister Vladimir Dlouhy, and Google’s Czech branch director Tatana le Moigne.

The purpose of the commission was to create a functional forum where the United States, Europe and Asia could exchange information. “It is a space for exchanging views, especially with regard to the development of the world economy and the organisation of international economic relations,” said former Czech foreign minister Tomas Petricek (SOCDEM).

Prague To Host Trilateral Commission Conference This Weekend
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